

要求:Python 3.5 以上


bing reward自动搜索


git clone https://github.com/fakedon/donbot.git

pip install -r requirements.txt


python run.py OPTIONS


-t –task empty if you set this option, this will just run an empty firefox instance

# you can use yes y true t or 1 for YES, and no n false f or 0 for NO.

-c –config default.cfg#4
-a YES or NO if your account can auto view, choose YES, or choose NO

# Run am autoview and eb autoview in one firefox
-c –config default.cfg#2
-b –cron YES or NO if you use linux cron function to control python run.py OPTIONS, choose YES, Default no
-d –duration INT time to restart firefox, Default random time between 2 and 4 hours
-w –wait INT time to check run status, Default 180

# Run am manual view
-c –config default.cfg#1
-d –duration INT time to restart next time view, default value is random time between 3 and 4 hours
-m –max_click INT max clicks per time, Default 999, if you set max_click=-1, random int between 30 and 50 will be choosed every time
-e –skip svf skip which view mod, s for website, v for youtube, f for facebook, if no facebook account info setted in the config, facebook will skipped whether you set f or not
-q –close YES or NO whether close firefox when this time view finished, Default False
-p –cashout YES or NO auto request payment or not, Default True

# Check eb mail
-c –config default.cfg#3
-s –solo YES or NO whether this task run with other tasks in one firefox, Default True
-b –cron YES or NO if you use linux cron function to control python run.py OPTIONS, choose YES, Default False
-d –duration INT time to restart next time view, Defalt 24 hours

# Get Bing reward
# put the search words under dir mess/bingkeywords, one keyword per line
-c –config default.cfg#5
-q –close YES or NO whether close firefox when this time view finished, Default False


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